March 28, 2007

Fruit Salad

Hi, this fruit salad is my hubby's favourite. For that i used to make this fruit salad minimum weekly once. This richly flavoured drink makes an ideal summer drink and perfect for any party salad. So i hope all will try and let me know through your comments. Here is my recipe.
Thick Milk : 1 Ltr
Cool milk : 1/2 Cup
Custard powder : 3 tbsp
Sugar : 8 tsp (you can change according to your sweet taste)
Fruits like banana, apple, grapes etc. or
any seasonal fruits
(Here i used apples and bananas)Method:
1. Dilute the custard powder in 1/2 cup of cool milk without lumps and keep aside.2. Pour the 1 ltr milk in a thick copper bottom bowl, add cinnamon stick and keep on stove on medium flame. Let milk comes to a boil, reduce heat and boil the milk at least 20 minutes, stirring it continuously till end of the process. 3.After that add diluted custard milk to above boiled milk, stirring it, then add the sugar, stirr till its completely dissolved.
4. Now you can observe that the milk becomes more thick.
5. Turn off heat after 5 minutes and cool completely, stirring it (remove the cinnamon stick from the milk and discard it).
6. Later you keep the custard milk in freeze for 3 to 4 hrs. Before 1 hour serving just add the chopped fruits to this chilled milk. The delicious, colourful and mouth watering fruit salad is ready.
Note: You can use this fruit salad for 2 days. But you should keep in freeze only.
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